In light of the developing situation with COVID-19 and the related regulations issued by the different levels of government and health ministries, we are doing everything possible to continue running Shaping classes. We understand just how important exercise is for our physical and mental health, especially in a time of social distancing.
We have partnered with the International Shaping Federation to offer a virtual Crisis Relief program and will be offering classes online. Starting the week of March 23rd, we will be hosting group workouts via the ZOOM meeting platform.
Until the end of March, we will be testing and troubleshooting as we run these classes, so we appreciate your patience as we smooth out the process. Please join us at our regular schedule and work out from the comfort of your own space. An instructor will be in the meeting to run the class and support you through the workout. Until the end of the month, you are welcome to join us at any (or all) of the scheduled time slots to make up for any missed classes.
In order to make this transition easier for you, please provide the following information to info@shaping.ca and CC svetlana@shaping.ca to be added to the class list and we will send you an invitation to your online class:
• Your full name
• Your e-mail
• Time slot you will join us (refer to our regular schedule)
Please note that, per our studio policy, we do not issue refunds for any missed classes. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your instructor for additional information.
We will continue to monitor all incoming updates from official sources to ensure our reaction to the situation is up to date. Thanks for your cooperation and we’ll keep you updated on any further developments.
For more information on COVID-19 and updates, we invite you to visit the following official sources:
Canada Public Health
World Health Organization
Public Health Ontario
Ontario Ministry of Health
York Region Health Portal_____________________________________________________________________________________
We ask that students attend only at the times that they have registered for.
Shaping is now on Facebook!
Like us for up-to-date information. _____________________________________________________________________________________
the shaping system
This European workout system is designed to develop a beautiful figure and to maintain a high level of health.
It focuses on constant improvement through the physical transformation of the body.
the shaping paradigm
expects the form to determine the matter, which is true for the entire creation process. A perfect form contains a certain amount of matter (and energy) required for optimal adaptation to life conditions under minimal effort.
due to the popularity of the shaping system...
many unauthorized gyms have begun offering their services using the name Shaping. When registering, make sure to confirm whether the gym operates legally and in partnership with the International Shaping Federation, as well as the programs being offered.